Delta Gamma

Chapter at Greater Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter

Pay Your Per Capita Dues

IndyDG Alumnae Dues

A strong membership base is the anchor of any successful organization. We have many exciting events, opportunities for service, and interest groups to help you to make the most of this year. As alumnae, we hold the power of hope for the future of our DG sisterhood. There are many ways in which alumnae can provide support through their time, talent, and treasure.

One such way of supporting Delta Gamma is by paying your dues. Dues are paid annually for the fiscal year running July 1st through June 30th. Each sister's dues make a difference, building the hope for the future of Delta Gamma and establishing the Indianapolis Alumnae group as a chapter of excellence. We have set a goal for membership; you can help us to reach that goal of 200 paying members by paying your dues. Your dues help the board to give back to the Foundation, honor our sisters, and support local, state, and national causes. If you have any questions about any of your contributions, please direct them to our vp:  finance, Ashley Ray,

Anchor: $25
Thank you for paying your local dues! You are appreciated and amazing!

Hannah: $50
Annual chapter dues plus $25 to enable us to Do Good in the Indianapolis area. We are extra grateful for your support!

Do Good: $25 + any donation
Many thanks for your support of Delta Gamma and our efforts in our community. You help us to shine!

Pay both Alumnae and Per Capita dues HERE  (Log into MemberPlanet and click on QuickPay Requests under Finance.)







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