Your 2024-2025 Board
President- Laura Petrucce
VP: membership- Linda Langley-Maradol
VP: Programming- Wendy Vivirito
VP: Communication - Sarah Coleman
Awards: Ellie Mundt
Dear sisters,
The Indianapolis Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter has combined forces with the Muncie and Bloomington chapters in order to form the Greater Indianapolis Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter. As bonds continue to form among our alumnae members, we strive to provide support to all of these cities and their collegiate chapters. I look forward to serving as your alumnae Group President over the next two years and encourage you to email or call me with any feedback or suggestions that you may have.
Laura Petrucce
If you have moved or changed your contact information, please contact Executive Offices and provide your updated information.
Because the pursuit of Doing Good is never done, please remember to pay your dues promptly! The fiscal year begins each July. We will send you an email that contains your personal link. You can pay your local and per capita dues in the same transaction. Your dues help with everything from events to donations, your payment makes a difference.
Good news! You can now use your Kroger card to earn dollars for IndyDG! Just sign into your account at then scroll to the bottom of the page to find "Community Rewards." Next, enter IndyDG's Organization Number SM227. Our account should pop up and be ready for you to link your card.
All proceeds received from Kroger Community Rewards support the Fraternity.
Support our local collegiate chapters and donate items for our Study Basket Program!
Our Alumnae Group delivers study baskets to each of our five collegiate chapters during finals week. These baskets include snacks, gift cards, beauty products, etc. to help get them through a stressful few weeks of studying. You can contribute by accessing our Amazon Wish List and purchasing items for this.